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Regards, :

Welcome to Epic Games support service.

through the content of your message we have not been able to understand your doubt, so we ask you to contact us again with more details so we can help you. Give us as much information as possible.

We will be waiting for your response.


Regards, :

Welcome to Epic Games support service.

Send us the following information to identify the account with which you applied to the programm:

1. E-mail associated with your Epic account.
2. Current name of your account.
3. Name and surname of the owner of the account.
4. External account currently connected to your Epic account, if applicable. This includes Google accounts, Facebook, Twitch, PSn, Xbox or Switch.

As soon as we receive your answer, we will get to work.


We have sent na email to the email associated with your Epic account, follow the steps expressed inm that message and let us know once you have carried it out.
This is with the intention of verifying ownership of the account and giving you more details about . We wait for your reply.


We`re happy to help you make changes to your Epic Games account. Before we can do that, we first need some more information to verify you own the account.

We need you to please provide the following information: -AOV-

We`re serious about player security, so if we`re unable to verify you own the account, we wont be able to make any changes.

---------------------------------------------------------------Full AOV---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Unfortunately, we can only communicate with the original Epic Games account holder. We cannot disclose private Information with 3rd party members.
If another player is having issues, they will need to submit a ticket to our support teamin order to have na agente assist them with their account.





Mensch / Arbeiter
Die Arbeiter sind die eigentliche Gruppe der Menschen, die alles aufgebaut haben. Ohne sie würde es das Dorf Konlir nicht geben. Sie sind intelligenter als Kämpfer, jedoch auch schwächer. Arbeiter haben durch ihre Arbeit meist genug Geld und sind reicher als Kämpfer.

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